Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” Matthew 4:19 (NLT)
Jesus called out to his early disciples to embark on a new journey which would change the focus of their lives. The result would be a new purpose but would require a transformation from who they were to who they would be. As they spent time with Jesus, they became more like Him.
Jesus calls us to follow him, and this means a dedication to making Him the primary focus of our lives. When we answer the call, our purpose become God’s greater purpose, and we can expect that our lives will be transformed. This will happen as we give ourselves to time with God. We need to be with Jesus!
We want to embark on this journey together, so we encourage you to join in these shared practices. We pray that these tools will help you structure your time with God. As you start to build consistency in your time with Him, the Holy Spirit will breathe life into you. You will start to hear his voice, and you will start to change to be more like Him.
Jesus calls us to follow him, and this means a dedication to making Him the primary focus of our lives. When we answer the call, our purpose become God’s greater purpose, and we can expect that our lives will be transformed. This will happen as we give ourselves to time with God. We need to be with Jesus!
We want to embark on this journey together, so we encourage you to join in these shared practices. We pray that these tools will help you structure your time with God. As you start to build consistency in your time with Him, the Holy Spirit will breathe life into you. You will start to hear his voice, and you will start to change to be more like Him.
The following are some of the tools we want to give to you. Let’s go on this journey together!
Watch this video to see how to walk through a 15 minute Time With God:
Prayerful Music Playlists
SMORP is a simple acronym and tool that we can use in our time with God. It provides a simple and memorable way to hear God’s voice through scripture.
Write down where you are reading and a specific verse that stands out to you.
Write down any observations you have, or what the Lord may be saying to you: correction, direction, encouragement, promise, wisdom.
Write down a step you need to take today or this week, based on what God is revealing
to you. It may be something you are already working on or it may be something he is speaking to you about today.
Write out any confession. If applicable, write down any steps you are taking to turn from your sin.
Spend time thanking the Lord and pray about anything He lays on your heart.
Write down where you are reading and a specific verse that stands out to you.
Write down any observations you have, or what the Lord may be saying to you: correction, direction, encouragement, promise, wisdom.
Write down a step you need to take today or this week, based on what God is revealing
to you. It may be something you are already working on or it may be something he is speaking to you about today.
Write out any confession. If applicable, write down any steps you are taking to turn from your sin.
Spend time thanking the Lord and pray about anything He lays on your heart.