Why We Exist
To create a safe space for our Grade 6 students to learn about God, build connections with each other, and have fun together!
What To expect
To create a safe space for our Grade 6 students to learn about God, build connections with each other, and have fun together!
When do we meet
Elevate meets every other Thursday in the evening from 6:30PM - 8:00PM. However, this schedule is flexible so make sure you follow Elevate social media for the most up-to-date info on meeting times.
Meet the Leader
Hello! I’m Ethan Shaw, and I'm the lucky guy who gets to take the lead on Kids Ministry here at City Life Church! I grew up very close to God and sensitive to His Spirit, so He has been my best friend my whole life. He’s kind of (well, absolutely) the coolest guy ever, and it’s my heart to share that with the kids of City Life! Proverbs says to raise a child in the way they should go so that when they’re older, they won’t depart from it. It is my hope that through City Life Kids, we can help kids grasp how awesome it is to serve God and equip them with the skills to grow closer to Him and make a difference. If you are a family with a child in Grade 6, we’d love to come alongside you to help your child know God and be empowered to be a light and a leader for the Next Generations.